Wetipquin Boat Ramp

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Directions: For directions, please visit this map

Use: Canoes and kayaks to large motor boats. The (concrete) boat ramp offers access to the Nanticoke River, to Tyaskin Creek, and to Wetipquin Creek.

Water: Brackish

Current: Strong with high wind at high tide.

Depth: No portage required. Open channel leads to Nanticoke River.

Parking: Yes

Restrooms: Yes

Fees: No

Managed by: Wicomico County Parks and Recreation

Accessible: No

Boat Ramp or Pier: Yes

Picnic Area: No

Swimming: No

Special Notes: A Wetipquin Creek paddle itinerary is available.

Larger boats can use this area to access the Nanticoke. Smaller boats can go upstream and explore Tyaskin and Wetpiquin creeks. Longnose gars are abundant in the shallow creeks. This site is also a good spot for bird watching.

Additional information about this access site, provided by Wicomico County, is available here.

Wetipquin Boat Ramp Sign

Wetipquin Boat Ramp Sign

Wetipquin boat ramp

Wetipquin boat ramp


Wetipquin boat ramp detail